Enter your information below to become a Supporter of the North Carolina Green Party (NCGP) and to opt-in receive updates on our news and events, primarily via email.
It's more likely that you will receive news and updates when you give us your name and location (city/state). Thank you!
Note that since August 5, 2022, the NCGP has been recognized by the State of North Carolina as a ballot-qualified party. Signing up on this page does NOT change your state party affiliation, does NOT register you as a Green Party voter, and does NOT make you a NC Green Party member. It merely signs you up to receive news.
We urge Supporters to become donors by making a CONTRIBUTION toward Green Party organizing in North Carolina. A one-time donation of any amount is greatly appreciated, but a RECURRING DONATION of at least $5 a month is strongly suggested for all Supporters.
If you wish to become a Member of the NC Green Party, please visit our Membership Page instead. Our members are those who pay required dues at an amount set for their comfort level (minimum $12/year) to the party.
Please check boxes below to let us know about your specific interests or skills.