The North Carolina Green Party is an anti-racist, feminist, pro-worker political party that supports gender equality and gender diversity and rejects capitalism in favor of a democratically run economy that responds to the needs of community and planet.
Why Green? In Green politics, the word "Green" means more than just the environment: Green means "ecology"—examining current systems and then doing what's necessary and what’s right to foster healthy ones, whether it’s transforming the organization of our society towards a democratic and worker-run economy, ensuring a safe and clean environment, fighting for social and racial justice, or ending imperialistic US foreign policy.
We believe positive social and political change will come when progressive and radical people determine that movement activism must also include this critical element: building our own political power outside the confines of the capitalist two-party system. For this reason, the North Carolina Green Party is a membership-based, dues-paying party and is fundamentally and structurally different from the two major parties—we’re funded by individual working-class members, not corporate interests and the ruling elite. Our structure is also guided by our key values of Decentralization and Grassroots Democracy, reflected in the chart below, where individual members have voice and are a very real part of our movement.
Greens are community activists: Organizing for sustainable communities, for the rights of all working people, for the responsible use of natural resources, and for nonviolent solutions to international conflicts.
Greens will run candidates: Striving to overcome North Carolina's prohibitive election laws and run candidates for local, state, and national offices.
Greens believe grassroots politics transcend elections: Employing consumer boycotts, public demonstrations, and cooperative community organizing in solidarity with our allies.
Greens educate ourselves and the public: Sponsoring public forums on Green politics, the electoral process and its reform, and issues of war and peace, social justice, and ecology.
The Green Party began in the 1980s to bring a new vision and new values to politics in the U.S. by uniting Americans behind progressive, multi-issue citizen politics. Now, as we face a growing healthcare crisis, corporate control of our “representative” government, falling real incomes, continuing racism, and the scapegoating of immigrants and the LGBTQIA community, the Green Party's call for greater social equity and justice is more timely than ever.
Internationally, Greens continue to oppose war. We recognize armed conflict as the ultimate failure of diplomacy. Wars fought on foreign soil serve only to enrich wealthy interests and distract citizens from dire and unmet needs at home.
Finally, in an age of global warming and diminishing fresh water supplies, corporations increasingly control and exploit forest, ocean, and subsoil resources for the benefit of a relatively privileged few and to the long-term detriment of the planet. The North Carolina Green Party advocates public control of these resources, and recognizes that irresponsible use of these resources threatens the environment and human survival.