The Green Party’s advocacy and politics, at its core, is based around a dedicated and unwavering commitment to People, Planet, and Peace. That commitment stands upon what we value: Grassroots Democracy, Ecological Wisdom, Social Justice, and Peace – also known as our Four Pillars.
It is a commitment to the idea that all of us, no matter who we are, should have equal opportunities to participate in our governance and an equal say in what happens in the communities we live in. We demand this as our right in an open and democratic society, not to have those with more money and influence corrupt our politics, shut out the voices of its citizens or dismiss the needs of its working people.
It is a commitment to ending cycles of harm and violence in our relationships and homes, in our communities, and in our governmental policies. We make sound and moral decisions instead to choose fairness and forgiveness, dialogue and diplomacy, understanding and peace in the face of conflict.
It is a commitment to the shared benefit in seeing to the well-being of all our people. We demand that every individual have a right to full healthcare, to housing, to education, and to livable wages, because we know these rights can provide a healthier, more equitable and humane society in which all of us live.
It is a commitment to fight for a sustainable and ecologically just society, and for the right of new generations to have a habitable, beautiful planet to not just survive on, but to thrive on for many generations to come. We work in this fight every day, educating ourselves and others, and speaking out against actions and policies which degrade our environment and endanger the future.
It is a commitment to stand in solidarity with oppressed and exploited peoples – within our nation and in all nations – and to adopt their struggles for freedom and justice as our own. We take to heart the warnings of MLK about the scourges of our civilization: racism, militarism, and poverty.
And finally, it is a commitment to the idea that ordinary people around the world do have real power to influence and change societies and governments when we come together for the Greater Good of us all.
The North Carolina Green Party (NCGP) is the only left-wing political party to have placed its candidates on the ballot in this state in over 30 years. We're not Democrats or Republicans. We're a separate party—the Greens. The NCGP is no ordinary political party: we are structured as a membership-based, dues-paying party funded entirely by individual working-class people. We and our endorsed candidates never accept money from corporations or wealthy elite interests.
Consider becoming a member today.
Greens are committed to building our own political power outside the confines of the capitalist two-party system. We work for social, racial, economic, and environmental justice. We strive to be pro-worker, anti-war, anti-imperialist, respectful of gender and diversity, and responsive to the needs of our communities and endangered planet, believing all of these things are interrelated.
Connect with us on our official party Facebook Page and Twitter for our events and news. You can also join our active local Facebook groups across the state. These groups are a great way to connect with like-minded people and to learn about our meetings and other events.
North Carolina Green Party (our main statewide NCGP Facebook discussion group)
Charlotte Area (Charlotte, Gastonia, Salisbury, Mooresville, Concord)
Eastern NC (Fayetteville, Rocky Mount, Greenville, Wilmington/Cape Fear, Outer Banks)
Triad (Greensboro, High Point, Winston-Salem, Burlington)
Triangle (Chapel Hill/Orange County, Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Wake Forest)
Western NC (Asheville, Hendersonville, Boone, Cullowhee)
The North Carolina Green Party is an affiliate of the Green Party of the United States.