While any registered Green voter can legally file to run for office in North Carolina as a Green candidate, the NCGP reserves the right to endorse a candidate running on its ballot line after a thorough interview of the candidate and review of the candidate's platform. Only candidates listed in these pages carry official North Carolina Green Party endorsement or recognition. Candidates not listed in these pages are neither endorsed nor recognized by the North Carolina Green Party.
If you're thinking about running for elected office, more information can be found on our Get Involved > Run for Office page. It's also very important that you be familiar with your county or state board of elections filing deadlines, fees, and other requirements for candidates, available online. The NCGP may assist its endorsed candidates but does not run candidate campaigns.
If you'd like to volunteer to help candidates endorsed by the North Carolina Green Party, wherever you reside in the state, your help will be greatly appreciated.
Sign up to volunteer below.