Join the Triangle Area Green Party for a day of strategic planning. Participants should plan to potluck lunch and snacks. Coordination of what to bring will be carried out on the Facebook event page.
From the Triangle Area Green Party organizers:
We expect 10 - 15 people. We have a great day planned. A bit of music, some games and a great work! A work group of 7 people have put together our agenda and will help conduct the meeting. We will set goals then pick activities from previous brainstorms to meet our goals. We will check our capacity and create our strategies for accomplishing our goals for the year. Strategic planning is a useful way to help the Green Party succeed. This is your chance to do Grassroots Democracy.
Triangle Green Party Facebook group – For the most up-to-date info about local happenings, including rallies, protests, meetings, and other actions and to connect with local Greens like you, visit our Triangle GP Facebook group.
100 Library Dr
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
United States
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