WHAT: Triad Area Greens Organizational Meeting!
WHEN: Sunday February 19 @ 3:45 – meeting starts at 4PM sharp!
WHERE: Deep Roots Market Meeting Rm - 600 N Eugene St, Greensboro 27401
EVENT LINK: https://www.facebook.com/events/1099783946835025/
BRING: A laptop/notepad (join online!) or a check if you wish to join the NCGP and haven’t yet.
Would you like to build alternative power to the two corporate-owned parties? Find and identify candidates that will give voice to a truly progressive/independent left platform? Are you convinced radical change is necessary to save the planet from ecological and military disaster? Do you want to further educate your community and engage populations who are typically ignored by establishment politicians (and even some activist orgs)? Then join the North Carolina Green Party!
This is a very important meeting - the official formation meeting of the Triad NC Green Party. If you would like to be a part of the Triad NC Green Party leadership (in a leaderFUL organization!) and help the development of a local DEFINITELY ATTEND THIS MEETING!
3:45-4:00pm -Meet n Greet in meeting space of Deep Roots Market. Feel free to grab a refreshment or snack from the Deep Roots Market. Light snacks may be provided.
4:00 pm -5:30pm - Meeting. We highly encourage everyone to stay for the entire meeting time.
5:30-5:40pm - Clean-Up (next party arrives at 5:45)
Our meeting is free and open to anyone interested in advancing progressive power in the Triad; however, those who wish to vote on meeting business are required to become a member of the North Carolina Green Party: https://ncgreenparty.nationbuilder.com/membership. Exceptions may be allowed for local residents who may not be able to register to vote.
During the meeting we will be going over the basic membership bylaws, forming working groups, and chapter roles for the next several months. We will post a suggested agenda at least two days in advance.
600 N Eugene St
Greensboro, NC 27401
United States
Google map and directions

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