Charlotte Area Green Party Meeting

Calling all Charlotte Area Greens and friends! Come together on Sunday, February 12th to discuss the future plans of the Charlotte Area Greens. We will meet in the white farm house on the Newell farmers' market property. We ask you to come through the front door.

1PM - A potluck for all who are interested. Please bring a chair and food to share if you plan to attend the potluck.

2PM - The business meeting will begin at this time. It may be helpful to remind ourselves and meditate on the Ten Key Values of the Green Party and how they related to the work we envision for the Charlotte Area Greens beforehand.

This event is also on Facebook in our Charlotte Area Green Party group here: Please share it. If you cannot view the event, join the Charlotte Area Green Party Facebook group first, and then try the event URL again.

February 12, 2017 at 1:00pm - 4pm
Newell Farmers Market
1704 Rocky River Rd
Charlotte, NC 28213
United States
Google map and directions
Tommie James · · 704-280-3070
Keith Fesperman Lilly Taylor Joel Barrio Barbara Fann Alan Reinig Stefania Przystanski Sarah Lundin-Erickson Tony Ndege Josh Karriker Jessie Nicole Shawn McDowell David Clancy Tommie James

Who's RSVPing

Keith Fesperman
Lilly Taylor
Joel Barrio
Barbara Fann
Alan Reinig
Stefania Przystanski
Sarah Lundin-Erickson
Tony Ndege
Josh Karriker
Jessie Nicole
Shawn McDowell
David Clancy
Tommie James

Will you come?

Showing 16 reactions

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.
  • Keith Fesperman
    rsvped +1 2017-02-10 19:17:13 -0500
  • Lilly Taylor
    rsvped 2017-02-09 09:33:20 -0500
  • Joel Barrio
    rsvped 2017-02-07 11:26:38 -0500
  • Michael Trudeau
    commented 2017-02-05 23:23:23 -0500
    @ Barbara Fann — Thanks for the heads-up. We added the exact address, and now there’s a link to a map under the “Where” heading.
  • Barbara Fann
    commented 2017-02-05 15:48:16 -0500
    Let me try that again… lol click on ‘google maps’ beneath the pic for directions
  • Barbara Fann
    commented 2017-02-05 15:47:03 -0500
    Directions would be good. Here’s a link to the Newell Farmer’s Market website. Click on the “google maps” link beneath the pic :)
  • Barbara Fann
    rsvped 2017-02-05 15:37:17 -0500
  • Alan Reinig
    rsvped +1 2017-02-05 12:24:47 -0500
  • Stefania Przystanski
    rsvped 2017-02-02 00:40:46 -0500
  • Sarah Lundin-Erickson
    rsvped 2017-02-02 00:40:45 -0500
  • Tony Ndege
    rsvped 2017-02-02 00:40:43 -0500
  • Josh Karriker
    rsvped 2017-02-02 00:40:42 -0500
  • Jessie Nicole
    rsvped 2017-02-02 00:40:42 -0500
  • Shawn McDowell
    rsvped 2017-02-02 00:40:39 -0500
  • David Clancy
    rsvped 2017-02-02 00:40:33 -0500
  • Tommie James
    rsvped 2017-02-02 00:40:31 -0500

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