Cape Fear Greens: Monthly Meeting

Join the Cape Fear Greens for their monthly meeting.  On the agenda will be conversations about getting organized for petition drives, education program and the upcoming municipal elections.

We also encourage you to connect with other Greens on the Eastern North Carolina Greens on Facebook page!

February 18, 2017 at 5:00pm - 7pm
The Juggling Gypsy Cafe
1612 Castle St
Wilmington, NC 28401
United States
Google map and directions
Rebecca Stutts · · (910) 233-2942
Keenen Altic Rebecca Stutts Tony Ndege Samantha Worrell Sonya AmenRa Alex Berkowitz Best Denny Rufus

Who's RSVPing

Keenen Altic
Rebecca Stutts
Tony Ndege
Samantha Worrell
Sonya AmenRa
Alex Berkowitz
Best Denny Rufus

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