North Carolina Green Party Endorses Green Candidate Allen Smith for US Congress, District 9 Special Election

Green Party candidate Allen Smith, who is running for US House of Representatives in the District 9 special election this September, has been officially endorsed by the North Carolina Green Party (NCGP). While any registered Green voter can legally file to run for office in North Carolina as a Green candidate, the NCGP reserves the right to endorse a candidate running on its ballot line after a thorough interview of the candidate and review of the candidate's platform.

In a speech delivered at a press conference in front of Duke Energy headquarters, organized by the NCGP in Charlotte on May 30, 2019, Allen clearly summarized the platform of both his campaign and that of the NCGP:

“We need a real Green New Deal—an ecosocialist transformation—not only to combat climate change and revolutionize our infrastructure, but to re-engineer our social order. A Green New Deal that says no to war and imperialism by taking the billions of unnecessary dollars that we pour into our Defense Department—that also happens to be the world’s worst polluter—and redirecting those resources into sustainable programs that fulfill basic human rights like healthcare by providing improved Medicare for All. A Green New Deal that creates 20 million new jobs and provides a just transition for all the working folks whose livelihoods will be affected when we end our dependence on fossil fuels. A Green New Deal that democratizes our energy system through public ownership and control, because clean energy is a human right.”

The press conference was covered by the South Charlotte Weekly

More information:

Allen Smith, Green Party candidate for US House District 9

[email protected]


Allen's Duke Energy Press Conference Speech


North Carolina Green Party:

Tony Ndege, co-chair, 336-577-1421

Tommie James, co-chair, 704-280-3070

[email protected]


Allen Smith, Green candidate for US House District 9

Allen Smith, Green candidate for US House District 9


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