Resistance Rodeo: Green Party Tabling

Come enjoy food trucks, music, and activism while helping to spread the word about the NC Green Party! 

The North Carolina Green Party will be tabling at the "Resistance Rodeo" to be held on March 4 in Durham. We invite other Greens to come attend the event and to table with us. Any time that you have to give will be greatly appreciated and will serve as valuable work to grow the party.

This event is to indicate your interest in tabling. After RSVPing here, feel free to learn more on the original event page (

March 04, 2017 at 4:00pm - 7pm
Durham Central Park
501 Foster St
Durham, NC 27701
United States
Google map and directions
Wayne Turner · · 919-491-3186
Tony Ndege Sylvia Arthur Ashley Poag Michael Trudeau

Who's RSVPing

Tony Ndege
Sylvia Arthur
Ashley Poag
Michael Trudeau

Will you come?

Showing 4 reactions

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  • Tony Ndege
    rsvped 2017-03-04 00:32:34 -0500
  • Sylvia Arthur
    rsvped 2017-03-04 00:32:33 -0500
  • Ashley Poag
    rsvped 2017-03-03 00:50:01 -0500
  • Michael Trudeau
    rsvped 2017-03-03 00:49:59 -0500

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