Join Greens from all over the state as we represent the North Carolina Green Party at the 2017 HKonJ March. We encourage Greens and friends from all over the state to join us for this event!
During the event, we will also be gathering signatures for our Ballot Access Campaign. We ask that, as you are able, you come ready to petition having printed out the petition forms ahead of time. Those with access to printing resources are encouraged to bring extra copies to share with those who may not have access to printing. Note that you must have a separate petition form for each county, so in any case, you should come with several blank copies as you will likely have conversations with supporters from all over the state. The petition, a short script and some tips about petitioning can all be found on the Ballot Access Campaign website.
2 E South St
Raleigh, NC 27601-2337
United States
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