Learn more about the Triad Area Green Party & NC Green Party!
During this meeting we will:
-Vote on our first official bylaws draft
-Decide upon some of our roles (Coordinator/Co-chairs, Record-Keeper, Events Coordinators, Ballot Access/Campaign Coordinators, etc)
We will also discuss what the Triad Greens can offer and can help build in our communities that the top-down corporate parties cannot:
-Fighting for an uncompromising progressive platform
-Community education
-Agitation and inspiration to move beyond top-down politics
-Local candidates who can inspire others to step up
What can you offer to the movement? Bring your ideas!
Stay connected:
Triad Area Green Party Facebook group – For the most up-to-date info about local happenings, including rallies, protests, meetings, and other actions and to connect with local Greens like you, visit our Triad Greens Facebook group.
2517 Phillips Ave
Greensboro, NC 27405
United States
Google map and directions
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