Triad Area Green Party March 5 Meeting

Learn more about the Triad Area Green Party & NC Green Party!
During this meeting we will:

-Vote on our first official bylaws draft
-Decide upon some of our roles (Coordinator/Co-chairs, Record-Keeper, Events Coordinators, Ballot Access/Campaign Coordinators, etc)

We will also discuss what the Triad Greens can offer and can help build in our communities that the top-down corporate parties cannot:

-Fighting for an uncompromising progressive platform
-Community education
-Agitation and inspiration to move beyond top-down politics
-Local candidates who can inspire others to step up

What can you offer to the movement? Bring your ideas!

Stay connected:

Triad Area Green Party Facebook group – For the most up-to-date info about local happenings, including rallies, protests, meetings, and other actions and to connect with local Greens like you, visit our Triad Greens Facebook group.

March 05, 2017 at 6:00pm - 7:45pm
Renaissance Community Co-op
2517 Phillips Ave
Greensboro, NC 27405
United States
Google map and directions
Tony Ndege · · 336-577-1421
Jacob Falzone Anna Ordoubadi Jerry Hufton Forrest Hinton Tony Ndege

Who's RSVPing

Jacob Falzone
Anna Ordoubadi
Jerry Hufton
Forrest Hinton
Tony Ndege

Will you come?

Showing 5 reactions

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  • Jacob Falzone
    rsvped 2017-03-04 00:32:45 -0500
  • Anna Ordoubadi
    rsvped 2017-03-04 00:32:43 -0500
  • Jerry Hufton
    rsvped 2017-03-04 00:32:41 -0500
  • Forrest Hinton
    rsvped 2017-03-04 00:32:35 -0500
  • Tony Ndege
    rsvped 2017-03-04 00:32:32 -0500

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