The NC Green Party has great news to share - we'll have 4 candidates on the ballot THIS fall! Can you help us spread the word about these excellent people? And about issues that truly matter to the real people of NC? We need volunteers to help staff the booth on WEDS JUL 4 AND SAT. JUL 7th. Here is a chance to make a real difference to our quality of life in NC!
We are working for a sustainable future for People, Planet & Peace over Profit. An hour or 2 of your time would be a big help to the dedicated members who are working hard for social justice!
Click on this link to SIGN UP for a 2-hour slot:
Put your name in the space provided and leave your contact information.
The Eno Festival sign up sheet can be found by clicking the tab labeled Eno at the bottom of the spreadsheet. Thank you!
There are a limited # of volunteer passes available!
Questions? Please post. Please also invite your friends who want to help create a better NC for all of us.
Triangle Green Party Facebook group – For the most up-to-date info about local happenings, including rallies, protests, meetings, and other actions and to connect with local Greens like you, visit our Triangle GP Facebook group.
5101 N Roxboro St
Durham, NC 27704
United States
Google map and directions
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