Carpool to National Anti-War Rally in DC Saturday March 18! 

Image from ANSWER Protest in New York

Twenty years. Over half a million dead. We must mobilize  stop the war machine that led to the disastrous invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. The US government has spent and obligated $8 trillion dollars on the post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and elsewhere.

The North Carolina Green Party and Triangle Antiwar Alliance are helping to coordinate rides to the National Anti-War Protest in Washington D.C. on March 18 at 1PM! 

Primary Demands:

  • Fund people's needs, not the War Machine!
  • Peace in Ukraine - Negotiations not escalation!
  • Abolish NATO – End U.S. militarism & sanctions!
  • Fund people’s needs, not the war machine!
  • No war with China!
  • End U.S. aid to racist apartheid Israel!
  • Fight racism & bigotry at home, not other peoples!
  • U.S. hands off Haiti!
  • End AFRICOM!

Are you interested in carpooling or meeting up with us in DC? 

Are you also interested (or only interested) in organizing a protest event in tandem with the 20th Anniversary of the Iraq War Invasion? 

Please fill out this form if you need a ride or can offer a ride. We will be replying with updates and specifics as the date approaches and let folks know what options are available.

Sign Up TODAY to Join Our Carpool!

Please only respond if you are certain of your availability and you can make necessary plans to join us!  We definitely plan on organizing carpools from the Triangle and possibly the Triad however if you can organize carpools elsewhere please let us know! 

Can't make it to DC? Want to organize an action in your area. Sign up in the same form and select OTHER and check that you are interested in organizing an event in your area. 

Also consider chipping in to help NC Green Party pay for travel expenses to DC and organize other events. 

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  • Tony Ndege
    published this page 2023-03-10 13:12:37 -0500

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